Moving Forward after Loss, Change, or Adversity - Why is it so Difficult?

Video Highlights:

  • Why is moving forward after loss, change, and adversity so difficult? Your brain can play a big part in enhancing the difficulty. More specifically, your subconscious mind. And that's because it doesn't like change. Its purpose is to keep you safe and to run efficiently. 


  • When our life circumstances change drastically, we have to put in some intentional effort to Create a New Plan. One that doesn't rely on the person or situation that is no longer there. 


  • Emotional Turbulence - trying to push through it or ignore it, without processing it can keep us stuck


  • We need an intentional and holistic plan that encompasses our entire lives. A plan to move forward that includes the Great 8 Areas of Life™ - Health & Vitality - Relationships - Finances - Spirituality - Career / Purposeful Work - Personal Growth & Development - Fun, Rest & Recreation - Physical Environment


  • Unresolved Communications from...
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Do You Have These Focusing Tools Ready?

“When you write down your ideas you automatically focus your full attention on them. Few if any of us can write one thought and think another at the same time. Thus a pencil and paper make excellent concentration tools.” --Michael Leboeuf

Learning to direct your focus is a powerful skill that is useful in getting to your Desired Outcomes quickly. The better you get at it - the quicker you'll see desired results (and you'll feel more empowered, too).

My private coaching clients know that I'm a big fan of list-making. It's a powerful, yet simple exercise that opens the doors to profound insight into what "exactly" is rolling around in our brains. I'm not talking about grocery lists here. I'm talking about lists that pertain to the goals that you're trying to achieve.

By answering in lists of specific questions that I ask, my clients have discovered things about themselves that they didn't know before. They have discovered passions, motivations, inspirations and...

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