Moving Forward after Loss, Change, or Adversity - Why is it so Difficult?

Video Highlights:

  • Why is moving forward after loss, change, and adversity so difficult? Your brain can play a big part in enhancing the difficulty. More specifically, your subconscious mind. And that's because it doesn't like change. Its purpose is to keep you safe and to run efficiently. 


  • When our life circumstances change drastically, we have to put in some intentional effort to Create a New Plan. One that doesn't rely on the person or situation that is no longer there. 


  • Emotional Turbulence - trying to push through it or ignore it, without processing it can keep us stuck


  • We need an intentional and holistic plan that encompasses our entire lives. A plan to move forward that includes the Great 8 Areas of Life™ - Health & Vitality - Relationships - Finances - Spirituality - Career / Purposeful Work - Personal Growth & Development - Fun, Rest & Recreation - Physical Environment


  • Unresolved Communications from...
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How to Design Your Future / Clarify the Great 8 Areas of Lifeā„¢

 Video Highlights:

  • It's important that you commit the time and energy it takes to go through this process. An investment in yourself is ALWAYS profitable!


  • The process becomes easier if you break down what you want for your life into the Great 8 Areas of Life™: Health & Vitality, Relationships, Finances, Spirituality, Career / Purposeful Work, Personal Growth & Development, Fun Rest & Recreation, and Physical Environment


  • Life Coaching Question: What would you like to SEE, DO, or FEEL in each of those areas? Identify what you want. Keep it in + POSITIVE terms. 


  • Watch the video for the full training



For Clarity and Direction to Move Forward and Get the Life You Want - Take a Look at: True You TODAY



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What is Your Level of Hope for a Compelling Future?

Sometimes in the midst of chaos it can be difficult to imagine a future in which you see things going smoothly or dare I say, just how you would want them to be.

Well, one excellent way to help pull you out of the “chaos vortex” is to find some “Hope for a Compelling Future.” And if you already have some going on...well, it doesn’t hurt to add more to it, right?

"Hope= the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best"

"Compelling=to push or drive; applied figuratively, meaning to apply a strong motive or incentive toward a certain end"

If you have a situation in your life that feels hopeless, you might have a hard time imagining a compelling future in that particular area. Here’s a suggestion: Don’t start with that area. For example, if you have a situation at work that feels hopeless, start adding some hope to a different area of your life. Maybe, find a new hobby, join a club or take a class on...

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Are Your New Year Resolutions Headed for Failure?

I love the New Year holiday! It brings with it a fresh start, a new beginning, the turning over of a new leaf. It feels as if we are starting over with a clean slate. Out with the "old" and in with the "new".

Perhaps that's why so many are compelled to make New Year Resolutions, in spite of the fact that most of those resolutions are destined to fail. If you are a resolution setter, I don't mean to rain on your parade. And please "don't shoot the messenger," I read about it on Wikipedia:

A study in 2007 by Richard Wisemen from the University of Bristol showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail. --Wikipedia

So, if you are one of the 12% that can make your resolution happen...Congratulations! My guess is that you've figured out what needs to be in place to carry your resolution through to completion. You've "cracked the code." And that's not an easy thing to do.

If you happen to be one of the 88% (or if you're not sure which side you're on) ...I've got good news. I'm...

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Do You Have These Focusing Tools Ready?

“When you write down your ideas you automatically focus your full attention on them. Few if any of us can write one thought and think another at the same time. Thus a pencil and paper make excellent concentration tools.” --Michael Leboeuf

Learning to direct your focus is a powerful skill that is useful in getting to your Desired Outcomes quickly. The better you get at it - the quicker you'll see desired results (and you'll feel more empowered, too).

My private coaching clients know that I'm a big fan of list-making. It's a powerful, yet simple exercise that opens the doors to profound insight into what "exactly" is rolling around in our brains. I'm not talking about grocery lists here. I'm talking about lists that pertain to the goals that you're trying to achieve.

By answering in lists of specific questions that I ask, my clients have discovered things about themselves that they didn't know before. They have discovered passions, motivations, inspirations and...

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Are You Thankful for the Difficult People in Your Life?

I'm assuming that you are most likely thankful for the friends and family in your life, but are you thankful for the difficult or challenging people in your life? Or perhaps some of your friends and family ARE the challenging people in your life (hey, it happens!). In keeping with the theme of building our "Gratitude Muscles" let's take a look at how we can be thankful for the difficult people we share the planet with.

Believe it or not, difficult people serve an important role in our lives. They challenge us to develop new people skills, deepen our character traits, become better problem-solvers, get outside of our comfort zone and think "outside the box". You know, things we wouldn't necessarily "volunteer" for, without a compelling reason.

Perhaps, you have a difficult boss, co-worker or employee that has challenged you to communicate differently in order to accomplish the goal you both are working toward.  Or maybe it's a difficult child that has made it possible for you to...

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Thanksgiving: A Good Time to Build Our "Gratitude Muscle"

Every year around this time, for most of us,  our thoughts turn to what we're thankful for. And also...WHO we're thankful for. Rightfully so, because that's the big reason behind the Thanksgiving holiday.

But how often do we ponder what we're thankful for within ourselves? Let's give it a shot...shall we?

•What is unique about YOU that you are thankful for?

•Name something that you're "good at" and you are thankful for the capability

•What character trait do you have that you are grateful for?

If you are stumped by any of these questions, ask the people around you, what they think. Take some time to consider what you are thankful for within yourself. Please note: This is NOT a selfish use of time. It is valuable time spent building your "Gratitude Muscle." This is just the warm up. Consider it "stretching," if you like. We'll move on to building our "Gratitude Muscle" with others in the next post.


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