Why is moving forward after loss, change, and adversity so difficult? Your brain can play a big part in enhancing the difficulty. More specifically, your subconscious mind. And that's because it doesn't like change. Its purpose is to keep you safe and to run efficiently.
When our life circumstances change drastically, we have to put in some intentional effort to Create a New Plan. One that doesn't rely on the person or situation that is no longer there.
Emotional Turbulence - trying to push through it or ignore it, without processing it can keep us stuck
We need an intentional and holistic plan that encompasses our entire lives. A plan to move forward that includes the Great 8 Areas of Life™- Health & Vitality - Relationships - Finances - Spirituality - Career / Purposeful Work - Personal Growth & Development - Fun, Rest & Recreation - Physical Environment
It's important that you commit the time and energy it takes to go through this process. An investment in yourself is ALWAYS profitable!
The process becomes easier if you break down what you want for your life into the Great 8 Areas of Life™: Health & Vitality, Relationships, Finances, Spirituality, Career / Purposeful Work, Personal Growth & Development, Fun Rest & Recreation, and Physical Environment
Life Coaching Question: What would you like to SEE, DO, or FEEL in each of those areas? Identify what you want. Keep it in + POSITIVE terms.
FREE MINI WORKSHOP: "How to Move Forward within the Great 8 Areas of Life™"
Learn an easy method to instantly find what you want to SEE, DO or FEEL within the Great 8 Areas of Life™ - Health & Vitality; Relationships; Finances; Spirituality; Career / Purposeful Work; Personal Growth & Development; Fun, Rest & Recreation; Physical Environment