Moving Forward after Loss, Change, or Adversity - Why is it so Difficult?

Video Highlights:

  • Why is moving forward after loss, change, and adversity so difficult? Your brain can play a big part in enhancing the difficulty. More specifically, your subconscious mind. And that's because it doesn't like change. Its purpose is to keep you safe and to run efficiently. 


  • When our life circumstances change drastically, we have to put in some intentional effort to Create a New Plan. One that doesn't rely on the person or situation that is no longer there. 


  • Emotional Turbulence - trying to push through it or ignore it, without processing it can keep us stuck


  • We need an intentional and holistic plan that encompasses our entire lives. A plan to move forward that includes the Great 8 Areas of Life™ - Health & Vitality - Relationships - Finances - Spirituality - Career / Purposeful Work - Personal Growth & Development - Fun, Rest & Recreation - Physical Environment


  • Unresolved Communications from...
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How to Design Your Future / Clarify the Great 8 Areas of Lifeā„¢

 Video Highlights:

  • It's important that you commit the time and energy it takes to go through this process. An investment in yourself is ALWAYS profitable!


  • The process becomes easier if you break down what you want for your life into the Great 8 Areas of Life™: Health & Vitality, Relationships, Finances, Spirituality, Career / Purposeful Work, Personal Growth & Development, Fun Rest & Recreation, and Physical Environment


  • Life Coaching Question: What would you like to SEE, DO, or FEEL in each of those areas? Identify what you want. Keep it in + POSITIVE terms. 


  • Watch the video for the full training



For Clarity and Direction to Move Forward and Get the Life You Want - Take a Look at: True You TODAY



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